Example vCPU wait time query

Returns the wait time (in seconds) for a virtual machine’s vCPU.

topk(3, sum by (name, namespace) (rate(kubevirt_vmi_vcpu_wait_seconds[6m]))) > 0

Example network traffic query

Returns the total amount of traffic received (in bytes) on the virtual machine’s network.

Returns the total amount of traffic transmitted (in bytes) on the virtual machine’s network.

topk(3, sum by (name, namespace) (rate(kubevirt_vmi_network_receive_bytes_total[6m])) + sum by (name, namespace) (rate(kubevirt_vmi_network_transmit_bytes_total[6m]))) > 0

Example storage-related traffic query

Returns the total amount (in bytes) of the virtual machine’s storage-related traffic.

Returns the total amount of storage writes (in bytes) of the virtual machine’s storage-related traffic.

topk(3, sum by (name, namespace) (rate(kubevirt_vmi_storage_read_traffic_bytes_total[6m])) + sum by (name, namespace) (rate(kubevirt_vmi_storage_write_traffic_bytes_total[6m]))) > 0

Example I/O performance query

Returns the amount of write I/O operations the virtual machine is performing per second.

Returns the amount of read I/O operations the virtual machine is performing per second.

topk(3, sum by (name, namespace) (rate(kubevirt_vmi_storage_iops_read_total[6m])) + sum by (name, namespace) (rate(kubevirt_vmi_storage_iops_write_total[6m]))) > 0

Example memory swapping query

Returns the total amount (in bytes) of memory the virtual guest is swapping in.

Returns the total amount (in bytes) of memory the virtual guest is swapping out.

topk(3, sum by (name, namespace) (rate(kubevirt_vmi_memory_swap_in_traffic_bytes_total[6m])) + sum by (name, namespace) (rate(kubevirt_vmi_memory_swap_out_traffic_bytes_total[6m])))